Recovering a Forgotten Arch Linux Password

No worries, Let's start with the basics. If you have access to your recovery options, you can boot into the Arch installation media and mount your root partition. From there, you can use the chroot command to access your system as if you were logged in normally.

1. **Boot into Arch Installation Media:**

   Insert your Arch installation media (USB or CD) and boot your computer from it. You may need to adjust your BIOS/UEFI settings to prioritize booting from the installation media.

2. **Mount Your Root Partition:**

   Once booted into the Arch installer, open a terminal. Use commands like `lsblk` or `fdisk -l` to identify your root partition (usually something like `/dev/sda1`).


   # Assuming your root partition is /dev/sda1

   sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt


3. **Chroot into Your System:**

   Next, you'll need to chroot into your Arch system. This allows you to access your system as if you were logged in normally.


   sudo arch-chroot /mnt


4. **Reset Your Password:**

   Now that you're inside your system, you can reset your password using the `passwd` command. Replace `username` with your actual username.


   passwd username


5. **Exit Chroot and Reboot:**

   Once you've reset your password, exit the chroot environment and reboot your system.



   sudo reboot


After rebooting, you should be able to log in to your Arch system with your new password. If you need further assistance with any of these steps, just let me know!